Saturday, May 4, 2013

Another good week!

This week was busy and hectic and chaotic and well....just another normal week in the Gilmore Family household.  The end of the school year tends to be a little more so but not much more packed full of events than the rest of the year.

Braedon had two baseball games this week.  They won the first one against the Mets but lost to the Angels.  He played well and while striking out a few times, he hit a few really good ones and ended up walking a couple times (good eye son!)  He went on a field this week and
his dad, brother, and Maya went with him. They went on the Mogollon Rim hike among a few others.  We went to the store the day before and picked out all the lunch goodies so we could pack their lunches.  He was so
excited...those field trips are a pretty big deal when you are a little kid!

Kiley had her final track meet this week.  She ended up with a ribbon for 4th place in the 400 meter!!  It was a pretty big deal.  We are really proud of her and her hard work in her sports this season.  This
child has managed to constantly have sports in her life, mutual at church every Wednesday, a play every Tuesday and Thursday night and she still managed to maintain A's this year.

Chase was able to go to his friends house this week and could hardly sleep the night before.  He was so excited he got mad at Toby when they got to his school and he dropped him off.  Chase was pretty sure he got to skip school since he was going to his friends, NO!  He got over it and worked it out but he was sure confused for a bit.

Maya is Maya.  She is getting really fast now and wants to clean the floor with her mouth.  Every time I turn around she has some small rock or piece of paper or microscopic speck of something in her does she even see those things.  She has also started pulling herself up on everything and finally STARTED TO HOLD HER OWN BOTTLE!!! Hallelujah!!! That will be such a huge help.

Next week I anticipate a similar amount of madness.  Toby has oral boards on Tuesday and a graduation on Wednesday.  Friday we leave for New Mexico to go to our niece's college graduation and come home Saturday.  Sunday I leave for Laveen until Monday night for a school conference.  Then...just two short weeks of school left and summer here we come!!

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